WorkSafe Tasmania

WorkSafe Tasmania

Safe and well every day

Manage the risk of working in heat

Working in heat can be hazardous. Heat-related illness can range from fainting, heat rash, dehydration and heat cramps, up to heat exhaustion and heat stroke, which can be fatal. A worker suffering from the heat can lose concentration and make mistakes, which can lead to incidents and injuries.

As an employer, you’re responsible for keeping your workers safe from the risks of working in heat.

Ways to work safely in heat

For outdoor workers, control measures may include scheduling work for the cooler part of the day, and providing shaded and air conditioned areas for breaks. Staying hydrated with a ready supply of cool drinking water is also super important!

One of the best resources is Safe Work Australia’s guide ‘Managing the risk of working in heat’. This has straightforward directions to reduce the risk of your workers suffering from a heat-related illness. It includes a risk assessment checklist and a first aid fact sheet, which would be ideal to copy and provide to work crews.

Working in heat resources

What about sun protection?

If you or your workers work outdoors, you need to be aware of the sun’s harmful UV rays. Skin cancer is a real danger, even in our cooler climate. The experts are Cancer Council Tasmania, and their website has resources to help you reduce the risk of skin cancer.

UV radiation at work

Want more support?

If you’re a small or medium sized business, our Advisory Service can help you manage safety in your workplace, including working in heat.

Request a free visit from our Advisory Service

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Last updated: 6 March 2024
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